Íseldar Kennel

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The European Shih Tzu 

1. The legs are smaller and are held further apart; have ample bone and they can look slightly bent.
2. The chest is broad and proud, well sprung.
3. The head is round and the neck is long and slender but strong
4. The eyes are slightly protruding and large, placed well apart
5. The shoulders of this dog are well laid back.  

The American Shih Tzu

The following traits are specific of the American type of Shih Tzu:

1. Their legs are high and they front legs face forward.
2. The chest is small.
3. The head is more or less square-ish and is set on a very short neck.
4. The eyes are smaller and do not face the front completely.
5. The shoulders of the American type of Shih Tzu are frontal  

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Vefsíðuhönnun: Þorsteinn Kristinsson, tkr@tkr.is